[A4] new / used a4

docwyte at comcast.net docwyte at comcast.net
Fri Jul 7 21:19:58 EDT 2006

Not yet, but my friend has a turbo one and I'm visiting him next week.  

You know better than that Rocky.  Put me in two cars with identical power to weight ratios, but one weighs 3000lbs vs 4000lbs and I can guarantee you I'll be at least 5 seconds faster on track (given fast lap of 1:45 or so) in the lighter car.  You just can't get around the mass and transitions are going to be sloppier, brakes will fade quicker, etc, etc.

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Rocky Mullin <caliban at sharon.net> 

> can't agree. ever drive a cayenne? 
> At 10:37 PM +0000 7/7/06, docwyte at comcast.net wrote: 
> >Sure I do. The S6 avant is too heavy to handle well, as is any car 
> >that weighs 2 tons. 
> > 
> >-------------- Original message -------------- 
> >From: Brian J White 
> > 
> >> At 14:02 2006-07-07, docwyte at comcast.net wrote: 
> >> >Yes, you do pay to play. However, I feel this is a poor choice to 
> >> >pay. The car is too heavy to handle well, r 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> BTW, curb weight of the S6 Avant: 4024. Curb weight of the Allroad 
> >> 2.7T 6-speed: 4167. Not that much difference. Certainly not 
> >> enough to label one a pig (too heavy to handle well) over the 
> >> other. And I bet you wouldn't consider the S6 Avant a poor handling car. 
> >> 
> >> 
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> -- 
> Rocky Mullin 
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