[A4] new / used a4
Rocky Mullin
caliban at sharon.net
Fri Jul 7 21:31:33 EDT 2006
it also depends highly on equipment and setup and tuning, even
torque factors in.if the heavier car has a ton of effort into suspension
and brakes and all that crap, it can keep up or beat it.
on a dragstrip - the lighter one wins, sure.
At 1:19 AM +0000 7/8/06, docwyte at comcast.net wrote:
>Not yet, but my friend has a turbo one and I'm visiting him next week.
>You know better than that Rocky. Put me in two cars with identical
>power to weight ratios, but one weighs 3000lbs vs 4000lbs and I can
>guarantee you I'll be at least 5 seconds faster on track (given fast
>lap of 1:45 or so) in the lighter car. You just can't get around
>the mass and transitions are going to be sloppier, brakes will fade
>quicker, etc, etc.
>-------------- Original message --------------
>From: Rocky Mullin <caliban at sharon.net>
>> can't agree. ever drive a cayenne?
>> At 10:37 PM +0000 7/7/06, docwyte at comcast.net wrote:
>> >Sure I do. The S6 avant is too heavy to handle well, as is any car
>> >that weighs 2 tons.
>> >
>> >-------------- Original message --------------
>> >From: Brian J White
>> >
>> >> At 14:02 2006-07-07, docwyte at comcast.net wrote:
>> >> >Yes, you do pay to play. However, I feel this is a poor choice to
>> >> >pay. The car is too heavy to handle well, r
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> BTW, curb weight of the S6 Avant: 4024. Curb weight of the Allroad
>> >> 2.7T 6-speed: 4167. Not that much difference. Certainly not
>> &g t;> enough to label one a pig (too heavy to handle well) over the
>> >> other. And I bet you wouldn't consider the S6 Avant a poor handling car.
>> >>
>> >>
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>> --
>> Rocky Mullin
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Rocky Mullin
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