[A4] Cruise Control Quit - 2002 A4 3.0

Brizax at aol.com Brizax at aol.com
Thu Oct 12 14:38:32 EDT 2006

ez fix, same thing on my car when i bought it, there is a switch that if  you 
pop the clutch pedal out to hard it gets pushed back where it cant be  
deactivated. it is held in by a flimsy clip that lets it slide for proper  
adjustment, search audiworld for pics of the switch:

Thanks  to all who replied.

It looks like the problem is with the switch that  senses when the clutch
pedal is pressed, or not.  The Cruise Control  was 'active' in the ECM &
all switch inputs appeared to be working  correctly when I connected
VAG-COM to the car on Tuesday, so I was a little  perturbed when the
cruise control still didn't work. Testing again on  Wednesday revealed
the clutch 'bit' stuck at '1', indicating the clutch is  depressed, even
though it wasn't. Now, back to the Bentley to find out  where this switch
is located. FWIW, the car won't start with the clutch up,  so there must
be separate switches, or a faulty connection to the cruise  control
'bit'. I will post with the 'solution' when I get the cruise  working again.


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