[A4] '99 1.8T w/ Tiptronic Not Up-shifting
Richard Andrews
richard.j.andrews at gmail.com
Sat Sep 30 22:48:16 EDT 2006
I understand your feeling on someone else touching your vehicle.
I am fortunate enough to have worked at a Kwik Kar locally as a mechanic for
several years.
I am still able to use their facilities and do my own work with their
I was able to perform the service myself with the professional equipment!
You might want to find someone to do the filter that works on german autos,
then try to find someone with a wynn's
transmission flush machine and Multi-vehicle ATF to perform the flush.
Whenever I flush it i go overboard and use approx 16 quarts in the machine
to get rid of any old fluid left.
I hope your problems get resolved, the thought of my tiptronic transmission
failing scare the daylights out of me.
This is why I flush my fluid every 20k miles, plus it only costs me $100 to
do so.
I don't have a couple grand sitting idle to replace/rebuild my current unit.
On 9/30/06, Doug Johnson <ur-quattro at msn.com> wrote:
> Thank you, Richard!
> I'm in a rental house now, and I wonder if I could find an independent
> shop to flush the tranny and replace the filter.
> The thought of putting faith in a transmission shop scares the life out of
> me, though!
> ~ Doug
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Richard Andrews [mailto:richard.j.andrews at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Saturday, September 30, 2006 11:18 AM
> *To:* Doug Johnson; a4 at audifans.com
> *Subject:* Re: [A4] '99 1.8T w/ Tiptronic Not Up-shifting
> Doug, I've had my tip since 80k miles and have changed the filter once and
> flushed the trans 3 times now.
> For the first flush I used OEM fluid from worldimpex @ $9 per quart.
> I changed the filter and used a Wynn's transmission flush machine.
> The car shifted like new.
> I decided to flush it again 20k later, this time I used Pennzoil
> Mutli-vehicle fluid.
> This stuff is around $3 per quart.
> Transmission still worked great.
> Just flushed the transmission again last week with the Pennzoil
> Multi-vehicle ATF.
> Car shifts a little smoother again.
> I've made it from 80k - 160k with no transmission issue (knock on wood)
> I hope to see 250k-300k out of my Tip
> There is a writeup on the transmission service the link is:
> http://www.taligentx.com/passat/maintenance/atfchange/
> Do the filter AND the flush, you won't regret it!
> -Richard
> On 9/29/06, Doug Johnson <ur-quattro at msn.com> wrote:
> >
> > Does a cold 1.8T engine keep the Tip from up-shifting?
> >
> > I drive only five miles to work, and I find myself slapping the shift
> > lever
> > to the manual position in order to get the car into top gear.
> >
> > Of course, then I'll stop at a traffic signal and end up trying to get
> > out
> > of peoples' way with the car in a higher gear than I expect.
> >
> > So...am I in for expen$ive transmission service? :-)
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > ~ Doug
> >
> >
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> --
> Richard J. Andrews
> richard.j.andrews at gmail.com
Richard J. Andrews
richard.j.andrews at gmail.com
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