[A4] leaking yellow fluid

Peter Kirby 4pkirby at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 08:12:59 EDT 2007

It's a 5 speed.

And if it's a cat, he is a well-travelled cat since I have seen the
yellow drips both at home and at the cottage (100 km away)!.  But
there were no signs of claw marks under the car and surely a cat on a
100 km trip would have left in claw marks!!

At lunchtime today I'm going to open the trunk.  MAYBE there's a
container of Prestone/Stop leak in the spare tire well that's leaking
... but I don't remember putting one in there.  Bizarre!

On 3/13/07, Richard Hurt <rnhurt at gmail.com> wrote:
> Peter,
>   Are you sure a cat isn't getting up under there for the warmth and
> relieving itself?  I can't think of anything that would be yellow,
> especially in the rear middle of the car.  :/
> Later...
>   Richard

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