[A4] dead 2001 A4 1.8Tq

Stephen Lau steve at grommit.com
Tue Apr 1 10:09:14 PDT 2008

Stephen Lau wrote:
> I have a 2001 A4 1.8T quattro sedan manual that died a painful death.
> Basically the engine is blown and it needs a new engine, motor mounts,
> and possible turbo.  The mechanic is quoting me $9k-$10k to repair it,
> which isn't even worth the cost of the car.
> Anyone have any suggestions on what to do with it?  I've not sold a
> car before, so I've no idea what the best thing to do with it is.
> Sell it to a junkyard for whatever pittance I can get?
> Suggestions warmly welcomed.
> cheers,
> steve
I've had a few people reply inquiring about parts.  For anyone who 
cares, it's mostly the stock 2001 1.8T (w/ 175hp stock), the only 
modification I've done is putting on an APR chip with chipped & stock 
modes.  I've got a Rob Knob shifter (that's gotta be... what +30 
horsepower at least), and the only electronics hacks I've done are:

* hardwiring in a Motorola bluetooth car kit to the phone system (which 
is actually quite cool and totally works, and is probably what makes me 
the most sad since I just put that in about 6 months ago).

* running an auxillary stereo input up to the front console for my mp3 


stephen lau | steve at grommit.com | www.whacked.net

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