[A4] drifting gas mileage display

docwyte at comcast.net docwyte at comcast.net
Fri Apr 29 08:39:07 PDT 2016

Really hard to keep a truly constant throttle and be on a truly flat road. I wouldn't put any bearing on what you saw at all. 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Peter Kirby" <4pkirby at gmail.com> 
To: "Larry Velez" <Larry at sinu.com> 
Cc: "A4 list" <A4 at audifans.com> 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 9:34:18 AM 
Subject: Re: [A4] drifting gas mileage display 

I purposely was looking at instantaneous but on a very flat road and even 
throttle. In my friend's A4 the display was quite steady but on this one, 
it would creep up and then creep down. Not a FB user. 



On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 11:12 AM, Larry Velez <Larry at sinu.com> wrote: 

> Peter, 
> This list does not get much traffic - sadly. 
> But I will try to chime in. 
> Make sure you are looking at the Average MPG and not the realtime figure 
> which changes often and drastically. 
> I don't think you can use the realtime figures for any concrete 
> conclusions. 
> If you use Facebook, look for the A4 and Audi groups which are rather 
> active. 
> Good luck, 
> Larry 
> 99.5 B5 A4 
> 2002 B5 S4 
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: A4 [mailto:a4-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Peter Kirby 
> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 8:08 AM 
> To: A4 list <A4 at audifans.com> 
> Subject: [A4] drifting gas mileage display 
> I am looking at buying a 2008 A4 Avant. During our test drive last night, 
> I noticed that on a flat road with steady throttle, the instantaneous fuel 
> mileage indicator would slowly drift up and then slowly drift down, etc. 
> Is this an indicator of O2 sensor going south? I can't get a straight 
> answer out of the owner about oil consumption but am wondering if oil 
> consumption is contaminating the O2 sensor.... Any thoughts. 
> Thanks. 
> Peter 
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