[ba] Soft Audis...
Dan Hamren
dan at magnitude-electronics.com
Fri Aug 24 13:48:06 EDT 2001
That's so true Steve.. thanks to the soft Audi markets throughout the late
80-early 90's I probably wouldn't have been able to have the Audis that I
have owned... However, I believe that all the value of all the non twin
turbo models have come down considerably in the last 6 months.. just look at
how many Audis are for sale at Audiworld.com... there are a ton more than
there were a year ago... the economy is a huge reason for this.. Not to
mention all the people leaving the bay area right now... I was told by a
niegbor that his freind couldn't get a U-Haul cause of the mass exedus..
leaving the bay area and silicon valley in particular... Look at the commute
.. for example.. some places are not stop and go like they were a year
ago.... 3- 5 years from now it will be back to normal....probably...
Dan Hamren,,,,
Redwood City Ca
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