[ba] electrical problems?

James Lipman jimlipman at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 23 21:52:07 EST 2001

I have an 96 Cabriolet and am experiencing some
electrical problems. They are as follows: 1) The car
will not always shift out of park unless the car is
shut off and restarted. I am always sure the brake is
on when this happens. 2) The top light flashes of and
works intermittently. 3) The radio turns on by itself.

Does anyone have any suggestions on any of the
problems?  Also are these cars known for using a lot
of oil. The car only has 50K on it but consumes a lot
of oil. 
On a side note does anyone know of a good mechanic in
the Napa area?

Thanks in advance for any help....Jim

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