[ba] Re: PSA - California - Smog Impact Fee Refunds

edkellock at juno.com edkellock at juno.com
Tue Jan 23 23:37:03 EST 2001

Wow... Sorry to hear that you're having trouble with it.
I received the notification at my mom's CA address last fall.
I sat on it for a while, but when I did send it in, I recd the
check within a month.

This was for my Coupe GT which I bought in 10/91 and
within two months had it registered out of state, as it still is.
I sent the form back, giving my new current address and
recd a check for $540 some dollars.  

Needless to say I was totally amazed... and pleased.

Colorado Springs

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001 13:13:43 -0800 "Buchholz, Steven"
<Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com> writes:
> In typical bureaucratic form I found that the best way to get action 
> from my
> government is to call someone and bit^H^H^Hcomplain ... hopefully my 
> $300
> check will be cut and delivered in the next few weeks ... 
> If there are any others out there who have applied for the Smog 
> Impact Fee
> refund in California and have yet to see the cash, the phone number 
> to call
> is (916) 229-0369 ... FYI, I had to let the phone ring quite a while 
> before
> someone decided to answer it ... 
> HTH!
> Steve Buchholz
> San Jose, CA (USA)
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