[ba] Fw: Corral and Caravan at Sears Point

Wolff wolff at turboquattro.com
Thu Jul 19 13:28:04 EDT 2001

I'll be going Sunday. I'll have a FRS "walkie talkie" set on channel 4 sub
channel/code 4.
"Nobody can forget the sound." - Michele Mouton
----- Original Message -----
From: William Noland <wenoland at pacbell.net>
To: wolff bloss <wolff at turboquattro.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 5:47 AM
Subject: Re: Corral and Caravan

> Wolff -
> Glad to have you and your 83 Q (the original S-Car?).  We'll meet at the
Hercules exit off I-80 East.  Directly across from the stop sign is a gas
station and small shopping center -- we'll hook up there at 8am.  Plan to
leave by 8:30.  A couple of cell phone #'s:  in-car, (which only works, if
I'm in the car), is 510 703-0537 and 510 715-6720.
> I read that they've reconfigured things at Sears, so I'm working on old
info here.  Will Call was always in the field accross from the track.  They
always had signs directing one there, so if it's moved, they'll probably
have new signs.  I used to pick up free tickets there often, then head back
to the main entrance.  The corral last year was up the hill by Turn Two.
They asked us at the main gate, if we wanted to park there and charged an
extra $5, I believe.  View of the track was good and we were able to revel
in the Audi-ness of it all.  :-)
> I know that they've opened a new entrance down the road to handle the
NASCAR crowds.  I would think, that even if they direct you there, that you
could circle the track back up to Two.  Probably worth checking
www.searspoint.com to see if there is any info.
> Looking forward to seeing you there.  I'm riding the motorcycle up Friday
with a couple of friends, but will have the 510 715-6720 phone with me.
Fridays are great -- $5 entrance, no crowd, chance to see the cars close up
and chat up the drivers.
> Bill Noland
> wolff bloss wrote:
> > Hello Bill,
> > I'm not on your distribution list (I don't have an S car), but I would
like to get into your caravan and your corral. I am planning on bringing my
'83 quattro. Is that OK?
> > You might consider posting to ba-group at audifans.com if you want more
participation by audi nuts.
> > info here:
> > http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/ba-group
> >
> > Also, do you know where at the track the corral will be? Some of my
party have tickets, while one guy needs to go to will call. Is that a big
pita? Do you know where the will call is? (I guess for NASCAR they use
entrance #9 or something, but on non-nascar...?) Anyway, I want to help this
guy out and give him a ride, but not at the expense of missing out on the
corral parking. Please let me know anything you can find out.
> > Thanks much,
> > Wolff
> >
> > ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> > Subject: S-Cars to Sears Point ALMS Series Races
> > Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 11:11:12 EDT
> > From: Frfgnewton at aol.com
> >
> > S-Car Drivers --
> >
> > Sunday, July 22, the American LeMans Series comes to Sears Point.  The
> > dominant factory Audi R8's will be in attendance, along with the Gulf
> > Champion R8's and the S4's of Galati and Bell will compete in the
> > WC races (with Galati currently in the championship lead).  An historic
> > GTP race is also running Sunday morning.  A (first-come, first-served)
> > Corral is set up near Turn Two.  Believe this was an extra $5 last year.
> > Race schedule and details are at www.searspoint.com.
> >
> > Plan to meet up, as we did last year, at the Hercules exit off I-80.
> > meet at 8am and plan to leave for the Point by 8:30.  There is a small
> > shopping center parking lot, next to the gas station, which is directly
> > opposite the exit ramp.  We had a group of seven or so last year and
> > like to see some new faces, this time around.
> >
> > Please RSVP, if you plan on coming, by replying to this email.  That
> > we'll be watching out for you, before we take off.  I can give you more
> > details, cell phone numbers, etc. at that time.
> >
> > Would also like to organize more drives.  We can discuss on the 22nd.
> > hoped to organize something in June, but work, unexpected trips and life
> > general got in the way.
> >
> > I'll also be playing hookey on the 20th and checking things out at the
> >  Will probably motorcycle up on Friday, but if you plan to be there, let
> > know.  Friday admission is only $5, the crowds are light and you get a
> > to see the cars close up, take pics, talk to the drivers, etc.
> >
> > I'm moving over to a new ISP -- new email is wenoland at pacbell.net.  You
> > also contact me at frfgnewton at aol.com for the next couple weeks, or so.
> > like to clean up this distribution list, when I set it up on the new
ISP, so
> > if you no longer own an S-Car, aren't interested in getting together
> > other S-Cars, are deceased, or whatever -- please let me know and I'll
> > you from the distribution list.
> >
> > Bill Noland
> > 94 S4
> > Oakland
> >

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