[ba] Fw: Corral and Caravan at Sears Point

Arun Rao rao at pixar.com
Thu Jul 19 13:57:13 EDT 2001

Wolff wrote:
> I'll be going Sunday. I'll have a FRS "walkie talkie" set on channel 4 sub
> channel/code 4.

I'm in for Sunday, also.  Will 8:30 departure from Hercules be early
enough (to get a spot in the corral, I mean)?

I'll be driving from San Ramon.  Anyone else driving up 680?  We could
join ..

My cell phone is (925) 785-2693, and yes, I'll be in my bright yellow S4


'91 200Q
'00 S4

Arun Rao
Pixar Animation Studios
1200 Park Ave
Emeryville, CA 94608
(510) 752-3526

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