[ba] urq/quattro get-together with Bill Bremer - 4/27

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Fri Apr 4 18:20:34 EST 2003

Hey Rick, I'd be interested esp. in a drive, I'm not familiar with Bill Bremer but getting together would be fun, I'm sure 80tq would like it =)

Let us know what the plans are.


>"East-Coast" Bill Bremer of registry and urqive fame is going to be in S.F.
>for the weekend of 4/26-27, and I thought it would be fun to have a fun-run
>to meet and greet him.
>I'm located in south Marin, and we have some very fine coastal/mountainous
>roads around the area, what with Hwy. 1 and Mt. Tam. I'll host arrangements
>and restaurant reservations for brunch, and will make up a map for
>distribution, etc.
>Please let me know if you will join me for a Marin fun run on Sunday the
>27th - preferably early, to get there before the weekend hordes of suvs.
>Rick Zehr
>`83 urq
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