[ba] someone explain this smog thing please

Chris Maresca ckm at crust.net
Tue Sep 26 19:42:21 EDT 2006

P.S. Welcome to the Bay Area.  Long commute, hopefully it's worth it.

(in SF).

Dan Simoes wrote:
> I went to register my wife's Suzuki (no snickers please).
> I was told I had to get it smogged first.
> So, I went next door, and was told the fee is $99.  I asked "is this a 
> standard DMV fee, like in NY?"  Oh yes sir, but we are the only ones who 
> allow a free retest.
> The next day, I opened the paper, and saw an ad for smog test, $29.99, 
> with free retest.  Grrr.
> Some places say "test only".  What does that mean?  What do they do 
> besides test?
> My Suzuki passed fine and my TDI doesn't need smog, but I'd like to know 
> for future reference.
> By the way, I've settled in Walnut Creek and am working in SF.
> | Dan |
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