[ba] someone explain this smog thing please
Matt twentyV
matt_20v at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 26 20:14:24 EDT 2006
Don't ask me to explain the logic with the "test only"
system. Your DMV renewal notice will tell you whether
you need to go to a test only place, or just to any
shop. This can happen either randomly, or if your car
had previously failed a tes. Yes they are more
expensive. Our '89 Dodge PU has been in test-only
hell the last couple renewals after a marginal failure
fixed with a new O2 sensor, then our S6 avant got one
via the random selection. Lucky prize, not.
We used to have a local guy who would run a "pretest"
with the computer disconnected and only plug it in if
it was passing. He's gone, and I've heard the DMV is
trying to put a stop to that practice. Best to shop
around and at least ask about a pretest. And if a
shop fails you for an actual tes, I would recommend
tackling the repairs on your own or somewhere else.
Make sure in advance the "free retest" offer is still
valid if you don't let them do the repairs.
--- Chris Maresca <ckm at crust.net> wrote:
> The prices are all over the map. You have to shop
> around to get the
> best deal. Be aware, however, that cheap places
> will try to find stuff
> wrong with your car so that they can charge you to
> fix it.
> Of course, 'test only' places don't do that (since
> they don't do
> automotive repairs, only testing), which is why they
> are generally more
> expensive. I would also guess that places near the
> DMV are more
> expensive than elsewhere. Figure around $60-$80 for
> a smog check, every
> two years.
> Also, I seriously doubt anyone working at a test
> station in CA has any
> idea what happens in NY. You might as well ask them
> how it works in
> Greece....
> Dan Simoes wrote:
> > I went to register my wife's Suzuki (no snickers
> please).
> > I was told I had to get it smogged first.
> > So, I went next door, and was told the fee is $99.
> I asked "is this a
> > standard DMV fee, like in NY?" Oh yes sir, but we
> are the only ones who
> > allow a free retest.
> >
> > The next day, I opened the paper, and saw an ad
> for smog test, $29.99,
> > with free retest. Grrr.
> >
> > Some places say "test only". What does that mean?
> What do they do
> > besides test?
> >
> > My Suzuki passed fine and my TDI doesn't need
> smog, but I'd like to know
> > for future reference.
> >
> > By the way, I've settled in Walnut Creek and am
> working in SF.
> >
> > | Dan |
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