[ba] someone explain this smog thing please

Chris Maresca ckm at crust.net
Tue Sep 26 19:41:37 EDT 2006

The prices are all over the map.  You have to shop around to get the 
best deal.  Be aware, however, that cheap places will try to find stuff 
wrong with your car so that they can charge you to fix it.

Of course, 'test only' places don't do that (since they don't do 
automotive repairs, only testing), which is why they are generally more 
expensive.  I would also guess that places near the DMV are more 
expensive than elsewhere.  Figure around $60-$80 for a smog check, every 
two years.

Also, I seriously doubt anyone working at a test station in CA has any 
idea what happens in NY.  You might as well ask them how it works in 

Dan Simoes wrote:
> I went to register my wife's Suzuki (no snickers please).
> I was told I had to get it smogged first.
> So, I went next door, and was told the fee is $99.  I asked "is this a 
> standard DMV fee, like in NY?"  Oh yes sir, but we are the only ones who 
> allow a free retest.
> The next day, I opened the paper, and saw an ad for smog test, $29.99, 
> with free retest.  Grrr.
> Some places say "test only".  What does that mean?  What do they do 
> besides test?
> My Suzuki passed fine and my TDI doesn't need smog, but I'd like to know 
> for future reference.
> By the way, I've settled in Walnut Creek and am working in SF.
> | Dan |
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