[ba] Reliability of B5 vs. B6 A4s? or???

Michael Heth classic_coupe at serversmiths.com
Thu Nov 25 14:36:51 PST 2010

On Nov 25, 2010, at 10:12 AM, robert weinberg wrote:

> what about finding a local member with vagcom - resetting the code,  
> then
> immediately take your car to be smogged?

Or offering to buy the wife a high ticket gift card at some posh shop  
(Gucci, Hermes, Coach etc.) and tell her she gets it as soon as she  
learns to drive a stick.

Then all this auto trans stuff goes away.

All this data on stuff going haywire is why I would never buy a used  
car with an auto trans.

Example - friend sold off her TT Coupe in fear of upcoming maintenance  

Bought a used BMW and right after the 6 months used car warranty  
expired the trans took a dump and it was $5K to get it back on the road.

Happy Gobble.


Michael Heth
classic_coupe at serversmiths.com

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