[BiturboS4] Blown Turbo Implellers - Update - Dealing With AoA

Marc A. Abernethy mabernethy at lotteryusa.com
Sat Apr 19 09:36:39 EDT 2003


What warranty company did you use?  I had something similar happen with
a RX-7.  Just a few months after getting the warranty, the car blew the
engine and turbos.  They sent out an inspector and covered everything.
If you have followed all of their rules, there is nothing they can deny.

I think it sucks that they will not give it to you in writing.  I can
also understand where they are coming from.  You get it in writing.
Post it to the Internet.  I am not an attorney and I do not play one on
TV.  But if they pay for your then it will  set a precedence for them to
pay for everyones.  Which personally I think they need to look at if
there are this many failures.  But experience will tell me they will

The 3rd generation RX-7s had an issue with blowing the oil seal.  It
became a known problem.  Mazda refused to replace the engines.  Look on
the Internet.  Almost every RX-7 (1993-1995) has a new engine.  I will
bet that they were not paid for by Mazda.

My thought would be to use the extended warranty.  I get Audi to cover
any additional cost (i.e. rental car, deductible, items not covered.)
Good luck.

Or we can all roll into your town like The Hell's Angels and mess the
place up.


j y wrote:

> To The List,
> Well, I hate to say admit it...but Walter (aka Uncle
> Wally) and Ian were correct (damn...I hate admitting
> this).
> As it stands, my best deal from AoA is 50/50, unless I
> want to bring on the legal eagles.
> At the end of the day, I decided that it would take to
> much effort on my part to fight AoA because I had a
> pretty similiar experience with MERCRUISER recently.
> I just had to purchase a new BOAT ENGINE at $5k
> because of the SHITTY exhaust manifolds that
> MERCRUISER installed on it's (1999-2001) 4.3L V6
> engines.
> Similar story to Audi - they are on the THIRD
> generation of exhaust mainfolds because water can
> backflow into the engine causing hydra-lock and
> fucking up the internals.
> Of course, MERCRUISER keeps this secret to themselves
> until you are out of warranty, and getting marine
> aftermkt warranties is not as easy as getting aftermkt
> car warranties.
> So, this defect silently destroys your engine until
> you turn the key one day and BAM! - it won't kick over
> - cause SEA or FRESH WATER does not ignite!
> Mercruiser warranties the manifolds for 2 yrs. Yes -
> one could claim that this is a manufacturer's defect -
> like the S4 turbos - but Mercruiser will stall you to
> death if u do not have an aftermkt warranty - and most
> marine aftermkt warranty companies are aware of the
> problem with the 4.3L V6 exhaust manifolds and find a
> way to exclude coverage - if they can.
> Also - if u don't get the aftermkt warranty before the
> manufacturer's (MERCRUISER)warranty expires - like me
> -you are SOL - like me !!!!! That's a quirk in the
> marine industry.
> So, that being said - I asked "the Audi dealer (this
> is the place where I purchased the car) for written
> confrmation of his offer of 50% co-payment on my turbo
> repair."  Well, did he got a SERIOUS attitude (over
> the phone) and told me "to contact AoA."
> I immediately contacted AoA, and I communicated my
> experience with the damaged impellers on my S4, and
> the dealer's offer of a 50% co-payment on the repair.
> They took down the information and gave me a claim
> number. They also contacted the dealer while I was on
> the line with them.
> When the customer service rep returned to the line,
> they said "that AoA was willing to stand behind the
> dealer's offer of 50% for the repair, and that the
> claim number was my proof of that."
> AoA would NOT give me WRITTEN confirmation (only
> verbally over the phone) of this agreement either, but
> said "that I, or my LAWYER, could use this claim
> number as reference, if this agreement was breached by
> the dealer.
> Quite frankly, the Service Mgr's attitude rubbed me
> the wrong way. He stated "that he would not give me
> written confirmation because he did not want such a
> document ending up on the Internet."
> I said that I would not authorize work to be done
> based on a verbal agreement that could he easily
> re-interpret once the car was completed (50% now
> becomes 35% or 25%). In effect, I did NOT want to be
> He felt that my requesting a written confirmation of
> Audi's 50/50 co-pay arrangement "would be like pulling
> down his pants and ramming it up his ***."
> I said, "well how the HELL do u think I feel if I let
> you disassemble and re-assemble my S4 based on VERBAL
> agreement with no witnesses other than HIS employees.
> You don't think that I feel like I'm getting SHAFTED
> here too!."
> I received a preliminary estimate of $5400 to "fix"
> the car, of which $2700 would be on me.
> I then mentioned that I would contact my aftermkt
> warranty company about the $2700 balance. He then
> says, "if u file a claim with your aftermkt warranty
> company, the 50/50 deal with AoA is off!"
> He then offered to contact the aftermkt warranty
> company to see if they would cover the full claim.
> Well, knowing that companies operate in the own best
> self interest - I don't expect the aftermkt warranty
> guys to come running to my rescue (hmmmm...i can see
> them now..wow..we just receive a $250 premium payment
> from him, and now he has a $5k+ claim,...hell...we're
> good guys..let's pay it...NOT!).
> So, my situation is probably more like (the line from
> a fairly well known pop song)....."me and AoA are in
> this thing together."
> jy
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