[BiturboS4] RS6 on the way

John M. Harrison JohnMH at uwyo.edu
Wed Mar 5 11:32:02 EST 2003

Ditto - I'm turning green.  You can only post how much you had to put
down, whether or not an Avant is available and when you will be around
to give us all a ride.  Best wishes.

John M. Harrison  2001 S4 Avant 6 spd silver loaded
johnmh at uwyo.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: john sonty [mailto:erhti at yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 9:03 AM
To: biturbos4 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [BiturboS4] RS6 on the way

Correct, you cannot post here anymore!  (but only b/c I'm

--- "Marc A. Abernethy" <mabernethy at lotteryusa.com> wrote:
> I just put a deposit down for a RS6.  The last one at that
> dealer.  It
> is hard to get too excited.  The car is not due until
> December.  I won't
> even order what I want on it until October.
> Does this mean that I won't be allowed on this list any
> longer?
> Marc
> '01 S4
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