[BiturboS4] Headlight adjustment / Navigation CDs

Yu-tai Chung yxc165 at psu.edu
Fri Oct 10 10:26:04 EDT 2003

Hello everyone,

Just an update, if anyone is interested in splitting a set of Navigation Map
Cds for a 2000 Audi A6 2.7t.

Seems like we got some people interested in the spliting a set of the
navigation map cd.
So far we have the following taken:
The whole set is $300.00 to $350.00 from the dealers I have called to ask.
The are not sure rather or not these will work in other navigations systems
that is not the same as the A6 2.7t year 2000.
I would think it would depend on the navigation system you have so if it was
the same model as the 2000 A6, then it should work.

I have called over 6 dealers around my area, and most of them don't know if
the cds for a6 2000 will work with the a4. I am still in the process of
getting the answer.
So, please check before you agree to buy. Thanks


(1st) = requested first
(2nd) = In line to get the cd, if the 1st person decides to backout.

Map 1 -
Map 2 - (1st) Sarina
Map 3 -
Map 4 -
Map 5 -
Map 6 - (1st) Yu-tai
Map 7 - (1st) Aurangzeb / (2) Al Adler
Map 8 - (1st) Yu-tai
Map 9 - (1st) Al Adler

From: Aurangzeb M. Agha [mailto:ama at mltp.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 5:25 PM
To: Yu-tai Chung
Subject: RE: Map Group Buy

Sounds like a deal.  Put me down for map #7.

Let me know if you need any other info.


-----Original Message-----
From: Al Adler [mailto:adlere at sourcecodecorp.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 10:53 PM
To: Yu-tai Chung
Subject: Re: [BiturboS4] Headlight adjustment / Navigation CDs

I'd be interested in disk 7 and  disk 9 if you do the Nav CD order. Thanks
Al Adler

Yu-tai Chung wrote:

>Thanks Ti Kan and Michael Kuriger, for the emails on headlight
>adjustment. Unfortunately I tried that and it still didn't' move, I
>think the lamp is off its track... Which means... I might have to go to
>the mechanics.. Because I don't' have the equipment to take off my
>bumpters to take out the housing unit.. Sigh...
>Anyways. I have another question.
>I am thinking of getting the Navigation CDs for my car A6 2.7t because
>I can't find anyone on ebay or listgroups selling the ones I need (map
>6 and
>8) so I wanted to ask people here if anyone is interested in joining in on
>this group buy.. I will buy the whole set. And then break them up to sell
>them individually for people that need them.. I got a person already asking
>for Map 2 if I get enough people that needs these maps.. If not.. I don't
>think I will get it because it is too expensive. Anyways.. Please let me
>know .
>BiturboS4 mailing list
>BiturboS4 at audifans.com

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