[Biturbos4] Extended Warranty Buy (Read The Fine Print)

California Fields cfields72 at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 5 14:02:16 EST 2004

They won't discover any modified ECU if you replace it with the stock one 
when taking it back for service :)  And scratch marks on the 
screws/retaining box isn't enough for them to void the warranty either.

Ah, the game playing that we must do (sigh).

>From: j y <jimnetpa at yahoo.com>
>To: Adam Schwartz <adam.schwartz at rcn.com>, biturbos4 at audifans.com
>Subject: Re: [Biturbos4] Extended Warranty Buy (Read The Fine Print)
>Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2004 00:15:59 -0800 (PST)
>Well Adam...I have to respectfully disagree with your point about CHIPPING 
>and the S4 ECU.
>As Keman pointed out in a previous post, some (I think MOST) warranty 
>companies will require/request a "tear down" (diagnosis) of your S4 when 
>the turbos blow.
>Replacing K03s is not an INEXPENISVE proposition ($5400 -USD or better). 
>Any warranty (insurance) company "worth it's salt" will absolutely (IMO) 
>require a diagnosis before authorizing such $$$$ on a repair. Especially, 
>when u ONLY paid $2k for the warranty/policy in the first place.
>These companies are NOT in business to LOSE money. So, they will send an 
>inspector out to review all relevant parts of the engine that are suspected 
>of blowing the turbos. Any inspector "worth their salt" would also INCLUDE 
>the ECU to see if it was faulty (since it controls boost levels). Thus, 
>your aftermkt chip would be discovered. Then..I suspect the 
>warranty/insurance company would deny your claim and the round robin (btw 
>you & them) would begin.
>I also own a 30' boat. Recently, I submitted a major damage claim ($17k - 
>USD)  to my insurance (warranty) company. They would NOT authorize ANY 
>repairs, until THEIR inspector reviewed the damage, and sent them a report.
>I bet if folks read the FINE print on their aftermkt warranties, they will 
>find similar language, especially with LARGE $$$ claims like BLOWN TURBOS.
>These warranty (insurance) companies aren't in the FIX and REPAIR business, 
>they are in the PREMIUM COLLECTING, and INVESTING business. Yes, small 
>claims like DVs and TBBs will get paid relatively hassle free, but wait 
>until your turbos blow. See what happens - I guarantee that they will play 
>My additional $.02 on the subject.
>Adam Schwartz <adam.schwartz at rcn.com> wrote:
>Sorry, but I have to disagree. Now, it certainly does depend on the
>warranty. My warranty says that if I modify the car, the modified
>part is no longer under warranty. say for example if I modify my
>stereo... As the factory stereo IS covered on my warranty. So in
>theory if I modify the ECU, then the ECU is no longer under warranty.
>No matter how you interpret the meaning of the wording, it almost
>seems irrelevant in some sense.
>My S4 is modified. I have an APR chip. I also have the
>warrantybynet.com warranty. I bring my car to MY mechanic. MY
>mechanic then gets paid from the warranty service. The warranty
>service knows nothing of my chip. I guess if a job was very
>expensive, they may send an inspector - but I dont think they would
>find out about the chip.
>Another thing...
>When my TBB went, I replaced it with a Kevlar wrapped one... The
>warranty paid for it
>When my DV went, I replaced them both with Bosch Sport 110 parts...
>rather than the standard Bosch 108. The warranty paid for it. I am
>sure if I had decided to replace them with Forge, they wouldn't cover
>the WHOLE cost as those parts are a lot more expensive... but my shop
>would let me pay the difference. It has been very versatile so far.
>I havent 'made my money back' but I am half way there and I have a
>few years to go.
> >now, would the extended warranty allow us to chip and
> >add other mods to the car? Ahhh...the short answer is NO!..No
> >warranty company will cover mods like chips that STRESS the engine.
> >If you want to mod your S4..make sure that your VISA/MC has a BIG
> >credit line...K03 turbos cost $5400 (parts/labor) to replace. K04s
> >(the best way to go) cost even more. My credit cards are capable of
> >handling major repairs to my 00 Imola S4 after I finish modding. I
> >wouldn't WASTE my time trying to get an aftermkt warranty company to
> >cover repairs on a MODDED S4. Good Luck,
> >
> >
> >ken kgrant wrote:
> >hi tom, i may be interested as well. i've got 37k
> >miles on my s4. i was thinking of selling my car
> >soon, but then again, i may keep it.
> >
> >now, would the extended warranty allow us to chip and
> >add other mods to the car?
> >
> >thx
> >ken
> >
> >
> >--- TStifler wrote:
> >>
> >> I too plan to buy an extended warranty for my '02
> >> S4. I shopped a lot when I first purchased the car
> >> but then realized I didn't need to do it until close
> >> to 50K mi. I've been reading the threads here and
> >> since I'm on 44K mi. I need to buy one in the next 3
> >> months or so. If anyone is about to buy - drop me
> >> a line and let me know which co. and perhaps two
> >> (or more of us) can both get a better deal. They
> >> certainly kept lowering the price every week or so
> >> when I last was quoted, so there should be some
> >> value in a few of us coming together. I liked the
> >> advise of paying with the credit card for some
> >> protection if a Co. folds. Anyway, good luck
> >> shopping - I am going to resurrect all the old
> >> quotes I got 2 yrs ago and see which seemed
> >> attractive then, and get a re-quote. Let me know if
> >> interested.
> >> Happy New Year
> >> Tom Stifler 443 463-5668
> >> Tstifler at att.net
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