[Biturbos4] First of my own wrenching of my '01 S4

Single Malt s_malt at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 9 22:37:46 EST 2004

Well, the $42 is already sunk ... the question now becomes: Should I toss it
and save the MAF?  Is the risk that high?  Using the reasoning that there is no
gain and two risks (dirt and oil), it would seem the $42 bucks was a cheap
mistake that is easily corrected.

Now, with all that said ... in my neck of the woods $42 might buy a nice dinner
... but a *very* nice dinner is going to top $100 ... make it $150 if you want
wine ... $200 if the wine is *very* nice too! <grin>


--- Ti Kan <ti at amb.org> wrote:
> If I were you, I'd keep the $42 for a very nice dinner rather than
> waste it on something that might buy me nothing except possible trouble
> down the line.

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