[Biturbos4] Timing Belt replacement
mikemk40 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 8 15:44:37 EDT 2005
Just to confuse matters even more......mine (2000 euro
car) was done at 80 and 160k (miles).
The first one was done in the UK and cost £1000 the
second was done in Germany and cost 1000 euros (inc
water pump, cam seals, tensioners etc and an oil
--- "Aurangzeb M. Agha" <ama-list at mltp.com> wrote:
> I'm completely confused on when to change the timing
> belt on a 2001' Audi
> S4 (2.7 liter). My dealer says to change it now
> (the car is with him for
> tie rod replacement and 60K check, and he wants
> $2100 for the timing belt
> work).
> I was shocked at the price. I called around, and
> another dealer says they
> do it for $1400, but insists it shouldn't be done
> until around 90K for a
> 2001 S4. I insisted he double check, and he
> confirmed the same with his
> service manager. He confirmed what he initially
> said.
> I also looked around on the audiworld forums, and
> there seems to be a
> mishmash off 60K and 90K timing belt replacements.
> Anyone know what the
> definitive answer is?
> Thx,
> Aurangzeb
> --
> Silver '01 S4 (stock)
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