[Biturbos4] Turbos Reliability & Replacement Cost (was: 2000 S4 Running Hot)

j y jimnetpa at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 31 14:00:40 EDT 2005

ECS Tuning sells a "complete (sic)" K04 kit for $2650 (USD). It's $50 less than your price - but hey - It's gonna cost me about $50 to fill up my S4 with Sunoco 94 - by the time I purchase K04s. ECS will sell u the K04s turbos separately for $2200 (USD) - that's pretty good - most places won't sell u the turbos by themselves. Check their webiste. I do NOT work for ECS Tuning - I'm just a satisfied customer.

Quincy Chiang <b5quattro at shaw.ca> wrote:
What's the lowest price you've seen/found K04s with inlet pipes? I thought $2700 is pretty decent.


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