[Biturbos4] Problem with the key remote

Andy Turner andy at palomar.demon.co.uk
Thu Sep 1 19:23:04 EDT 2005

I've been without email today so sorry for this delay. Thanks for all
the suggestions everyone. The symptoms have been so varied and so
unpredictable that I don't know where to start. The short version is
that having gone to bed with it still misbehaving, it was working
perfectly fine in the morning and has worked fine all day (??!!). I
put the VAG-COM on it and it's reported various triggers of the alarm,
but also some faults regarding the alarm horn:

01134 - Alarm Horn (H12)
            76-10 - Terminal 30 missing - Intermittent
01134 - Alarm Horn (H12)
            49-10 - No Communications - Intermittent

So I'm going to investigate those. I'm kinda expecting the problem to
surface again, although having read David's re-sync procedure (below),
it's quite probable that I did that whilst randomly unlocking and
pressing buttons trying to get it to work. So I'm *hoping* that
somehow it got out of sync (though it never has before in nearly 4
years of ownership), and I happened to get it back in sync.

Thanks again everyone.


On Thu, 1 Sep 2005 09:14:33 -0400, David Kavanagh <audiguy at gmail.com>

>I had to re-sync my key recently. I replaced the battery in the remote and 
>it didnt' work at all. The owner's manual said to use the key in the outside 
>lock, then within a minute, press either the A or the C button on the 
>remote. After that, I was able to use my remote again. (BTW, the A and C 
>buttons are lock and unlock)
>On 8/31/05, docwyte at comcast.net <docwyte at comcast.net> wrote:
>> You need to reprogram the keys to the car again. Sometimes they fall out 
>> of sync. The procedure is on AudiWorld, it's very easy to do, no parts 
>> needed except two keys.
>> -------------- Original message --------------
>> >
>> > I got home this evening, turned off the engine as usual, got out,
>> > closed the door and then tried to lock it with the remote. Nothing
>> > happened. I tried it a few more times, but nothing. I got back in,
>> > started the car again, stopped it, again nothing. The remote doesn't
>> > unlock the boot or anything. So I tried my spare key, and that's
>> > exactly the same. It's never misbehaved before and I'd only just
>> > filled up on the way home, when the locks worked fine then. The doors
>> > lock using the key, but then when I unlock again using the key, the
>> > flashing red light stays on (so I've not tried opening the door,
>> > fearing the alarm will go off!). Are the keys somehow out of sync with
>> > the car for some reason? Is there any way of resetting it so that they
>> > work again?
>> >
>> >
>> > Cheers
>> >
>> >
>> > andyt
>> >
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