[Biturbos4] S6 Avant on the track - a few questions

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Fri Oct 5 07:32:54 PDT 2012

Hi all,

Specifically aimed at any Audi club experienced track rats

My regular track car (986) is temporarily unlikely to run at my upcoming event at VIR in November.  Long story.

Anyway, i'm thinking of taking my 2002 S6 Avant.  I'll put in thicker oil; ate 200 brake fluid, etc.

My main questions (from experience please, i can speculate) are:

1. any mechanical issues i should be concerned about?  Aware of?
2. as long as i restrain myself, are new, OEM-level brake pads sufficient (specifically Centric Posi-quiet, which are slightly higher MOT than stock)

I am trying to avoid installing track pads for one event, in a car with brand-new brakes ( i did everything within months - pads, rotors, rebuilt calipers, etc.)

one track buddy ran his S6 at Pocono with no issues, stock pads.  But cautioned me that he was really heating things if he ran hard..... adjust braking zones accordingly (his tape weights were melting and falling off!)


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