[Biturbos4] B5 S4 Glove box strut/dashpot

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Thu Jan 21 08:07:58 PST 2016

I still get these emails - but yeah it's pretty rare.  Kinda forgot about this list, frankly.  I remember years ago the Urq List used to be super active....but yeah seems all the action is on the various forums...

All that said - sorry I don't have any experience with the glovebox....sorry.

'00 S4 
'91 911 Turbo

-----Original Message-----
From: Biturbos4 [mailto:biturbos4-bounces at www.audifans.com] On Behalf Of Ti Kan
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 5:29 PM
To: biturbos4 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [Biturbos4] B5 S4 Glove box strut/dashpot

By the way, how many people are still on the BiturboS4 list?


On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 04:19:02PM -0800, Ti Kan wrote:
> 2001.5 S4 here (I'm sure B5 A4s are the same).  When I open the glove 
> box, it used to open with a smooth, damped motion (sounded like a gas 
> strut in there with a hissing noise). But recently it no longer does 
> that, and just drops open hard.
> I'm thinking the gas strut may have worn out, but don't they typically 
> go out gradually rather than spontaneously? Or is something else broken?
> With the glove box open, I see a lever on the left side that seem to 
> go into a cylindrical object above. Is that the strut? Any insight 
> about how to replace or repair this?
> -Ti

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