[urq] RE: [Es2] fuel pump

Jack Walker jwalker at ivey.com
Mon Aug 9 18:18:48 EDT 2004

What amount of pressure should be coming from the stock fuel pump?
Does anyone know what the pressure should be at the fuel rails for an
AAN and a AAN/RS2ed motor?

During a conversion conversation regarding converting my AAN fuel rail
so it would fit the RS2 Intake Manifold I'm using, I was questioned as
to if I would want a fuel pressure fitting installed so I could monitor
the pressure at the IM/fuel rail. Converting the AAN fuel rail with the
pressure indicator fitting was almost the same price as buying the
proper RS2 rail, which I haven't done either just yet. Doubt the RS2
rail comes with a fitting to monitor Fuel Pressure, but don't know for

-----Original Message-----
From: Brandon Rogers [mailto:brogers at terrix.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 3:03 PM
To: Jack Walker
Subject: Re: [urq] RE: [Es2] fuel pump

AFAIK I know I've had no problems with fuel on my chipped 3B motor using
stock Bosch FP.  I had replaced it a year earlier while looking for CIS
gremlins.  I'd put a new one just because while you're doing the swap.
under the car in back, by the rear control arm, driver side I think.

'84 ur 20V

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jack Walker" <jwalker at ivey.com>
To: <es2 at audifans.com>
Cc: <urq at audifans.com>; <3B at audisport.com>
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 3:06 PM
Subject: [urq] RE: [Es2] fuel pump

Seeing this message, got me to thinking?

What kind of pressure does the original UrQ fuel pump create? How do I
test the current pressure? Is the UrQ pump inside the tank as well?
Do I need to replace to get the pressure necessary for a UrQ with a
stock AAN motor and eventually an RS2ed motor? Haven't even considered
fuel lines for this yet.
I have the 93 S4 donor car I'm getting the AAN motor from with it's
stock pump and housing I would guess (Haven't even ventured under the
donor car in the area of the gas tank). Although I have sold the fuel
lines to a casual friend's car that came from Qship, I believe. His were
rusted, by the way what are they worth, haven't gotten paid yet, great
friend when I asked for $75 he got very agitated that I was charging him
too much. I was thinking he should get a set of new ones and replace

Jack Walker
Portland, Oregon

-----Original Message-----
From: es2-bounces+jwalker=ivey.com at audifans.com
[mailto:es2-bounces+jwalker=ivey.com at audifans.com] On Behalf Of coup
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 1:23 PM
To: es2 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [Es2] fuel pump

I am running 200/s4 pump, you'll need to get the pump housing from 200
or s4 since the 200/s4 pump is smaller in diameter. Curently running
over 400hp, over 60psi fuel pressure setup, had no problem yet (knock on

Ben Klumper <bklumper at mdbworld.com> wrote:Elijah,

I am currently running the stock CQ pump without problem. I'm also below
hp and by the sounds of it, you're going to be well above that so I'm
sure if the CQ pump will work or not.


> Hi, what have you guys done for fuel pumps in the coupe? The one in
> just replaced but I think with a stock coupe pump. Will the pump from
> urs4/s6 fit? Or is there something better?? Thanks,
> Elijah

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