[Es2] stock AAN with Dahlback intake vs. chipped 3B

Jimmy Pribble Jimmy at texasbankers.com
Wed Aug 18 15:35:46 EDT 2004

>Still, a chipped 3B should outrun a stock AAN, even if the AAN has an
intake and exhaust, >IMO.

> Why do you say that?

Well, a chipped 3B should get 270 hp, while a stock AAN gets 227 hp.  Now, I
understand the importance of torque here, but even with overboost, I think a
chipped 3B will still have more (I don't have a torque figure for a chipped
3B, Chris?) and I don't think an intake and exhaust will make-up the
difference.  Think...I don't THINK.  There has not been much empirical data
wrt intake and exaust improvements on these motors.

Another thing to consider is that we are really talking about converted cars
and in almost all cases, that means a larger intercooler.  Now we start to
get into not being able to isolate just the motors themselves, as per stock
UrS4 and '91 200tq (which we can't isolate because of weight differences).

Dammit, somebody just go race and tell me what happens!  ;-)


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