[Es2] stock AAN with Dahlback intake vs. chipped 3B
Ben Klumper
bklumper at mdbworld.com
Wed Aug 18 16:21:00 EDT 2004
Well Jimmy, we didn't exactly race last night but we did do some comparison
driving (I'm talking about my car vs. my friend's Dahlback-ed AAN coupe) and
it's closer than I originally thought. I drove his car (him as passenger)
and did some rolling 'test' manoevers such as punching it in second gear
from about 2k rpm, WOT in 4th at about 60km/h and various others. I then did
the exact same in my car (again with him as passenger) and just by
seat-of-pants reckoning, we both thought they were pretty close. As I said
before, his builds up boost quicker and plateaus at 15psi through the
majority of the revs, whereas mine takes longer to build but peaks at 21
psi. We kind of figure that the lag can be attributed to the much great
intake path length that I have and that his intake temp is cooler than mine,
given its orientation relative to the turbo and EM. As a bit of background,
his engine and ECU are stock except for the cone filter, Dahlback intake w/
custom 3" aluminum plumbing from the IC (which is a modified IC from an old
5000 turbo), and 2.25" (essentially stock CQ) exhaust with nothing but the
center resonator left. Mine on the other hand is bone stock except for the
chipped ECU. I have the 3B S2 intercooler and all stock S2 intake plumbing,
MAF & airbox. My exhaust is also CQ but I have retained the center and rear
mufflers. Given these differences, perhaps his rightfully should be a bit
quicker. But I still think mine is somewhat lacking...
Next time I see him, we'll do a little side-by-side driving. I'll report
back then...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jimmy Pribble" <Jimmy at texasbankers.com>
To: "'Mark Wetzel'" <Mark.Wetzel at verizon.net>; "'eS2 List'"
<es2 at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 1:39 PM
Subject: RE: [Es2] stock AAN with Dahlback intake vs. chipped 3B
> >Still, a chipped 3B should outrun a stock AAN, even if the AAN has an
> intake and exhaust, >IMO.
> > Why do you say that?
> Well, a chipped 3B should get 270 hp, while a stock AAN gets 227 hp. Now,
> understand the importance of torque here, but even with overboost, I think
> chipped 3B will still have more (I don't have a torque figure for a
> 3B, Chris?) and I don't think an intake and exhaust will make-up the
> difference. Think...I don't THINK. There has not been much empirical
> wrt intake and exaust improvements on these motors.
> Another thing to consider is that we are really talking about converted
> and in almost all cases, that means a larger intercooler. Now we start to
> get into not being able to isolate just the motors themselves, as per
> UrS4 and '91 200tq (which we can't isolate because of weight differences).
> Dammit, somebody just go race and tell me what happens! ;-)
> Jimmy
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