[Es2] I'm slowly selling off my conversion spares

gcbuerner at att.net gcbuerner at att.net
Fri Feb 20 19:54:36 EST 2004

Hi All,

Been a long time since I posted. My ADU converted AAN is completely dialed-in thanks to Steve Eiche's software help and VMAP wizardry.  Oh all that and a new o2 sensor did the trick.

I finally had the 2b coil-overs, delrin bushings, and new cv's, balljoints, tie rods, UrQ strut mounts etc. installed by Ron Wood.  The car feels really, really tight now. I'm running 5x130 993 cup2 wheels 17x7 et55 in front (225 45 17) and 17x9 et 55in the rear (245 40 17), and with the porsche offsets, the end result is the track is now wider in the front and percentage-wise less in the rear so, even with the added width in the rear, the handling is very neutral. I could go wider in front, but only 235 or so, so unless I go down size or up a size in the rear, like 235 or 255, tire diameters will start differing too much, and then the diff's gone. Either way I've finally fixed the understeer! The spring rates and Batt under rear bench helped too.

Now just buttoning up some minor interior tid-bits, but mechanically the car is done, and perfect.

I've amassed a huge inventory of parts in the process, many of which I am now willing to part with.  

PARTS FOR SALE:  listing here before EBAY

Stock S2 front rotors - Bought new in the U.K., ran about 300 street miles before I went to Big Reds and Euro s8 rotors, never ran on the track, these are as new.

H&R Springs - near new in the box, these were only in the car a few months (mostly during engine swap). I pulled them out in favor of coil-overs. 

G-60 Calipers - All of you guys prob. have extra g60's laying around yourselves, but if some of you are still running stock G-60's, and want spares, or upgrading an URq - these are good. 

Stock 91 coupe springs...  just thought I'd mention it

AAN oil cooler & steel braided lines

AAN intake manifold 

AAN valve cover  

AAN exhaust manifold 

AAN turbo (100k mile 93 s4, good condition) 

AAN Wastegate, same as ABY and ADU, (have had all three, no difference I can see) 

AAN oilpan

Set of cup2 wheels 17x7.5 et35, 5x112.  Shod with 50% Michelin pilot sports, 225 45 17 front, 245 40 17 rear.  These are 993 replica wheels made in Italy by mille miglia, (from porsche molds I'm told)  no curb rash, excellent.  These will bolt up to your s2 hubs for a perfect fit on a 90-91 cq, no spacers needed, and no extra room either.  For a reasonable offer, I will let these go, although a hate to... 

AAN down-pipe basically identical to ABY & RS2(ADU) pipe or (hack off and weld up one outlet and it looks like an S2 3B)

Blau wiring harness and relays for rs2 ellipsoid projector headlamps 

ADU & ABY alternator, P.S. Pump & compressor brackets, have a few need to check what I still have.  

AAN brackets for same. 

AAN alternator 

AAN Starter

AAN Fuel rail, with or without Fuel lines.

RS2 ADU & S2 ABY Fuel rail, with or without fuel lines.  

RS2 ADU and S2 ABY Fuel lines, pair (have 2 sets)

Various fuel pressure regulators, AAN, ABY, ADU 

MANY AAN & ABY Fuel injectors, one set of 5 just flow-tested & mapped. Sorry, no green ones.

ADU/ABY/AAN  various intake & turbo hoses

Lehmann 2.5 bar stage 3 chipset good for 300hp with rs2 turbo and E.M., but using AAN cams, MAF,FPR & Injectors

AAN INTERCOOLER !! For all you 4000 and urQ converters

AAN Cross-over pipe (METAL) !! Also for all you 4000q and Urq-heads.

Also, All kine a 7a part, jus ax, may got.

I was planning to build a track-specific car as the first conversion turned out too nice to weld a cage into. 

If I ever do build a track-only quattro, it's  not going to happen anytime real soon, so the above parts I am comfortable selling for fair prices. Please don't make absurd offers,  I'm not having a fire sale, you guys know how easy these parts are to get, and you know how strong the dollar is right now... ;)

Thanks, and good luck with the projects !!


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