[Es2] test and update

Ben Klumper bklumper at mdbworld.com
Fri Jan 9 11:05:38 EST 2004

Not much to report from my end. Haven't worked on it since before the
holidays. I'll be back at it tomorrow to try to solve the frothy oil/no
pressure situation. Not looking forward to that.If I was sure what was
causing it, it wouldn't be so bad. As it stands, I've got a lot of digging
to do. Oil pan will be coming off so I can remove the stock (and now
redundant) oil baffle and check the condition of the oil pick up and pump.
I'll also be looking at the oil pressure sender switches and their wiring as
well as the crank case breather system. If I don't find the problem in all
of that I'm not sure what'll come next. Perhaps (gasp) a tow to the closest
Other than that, over the holidays I received my S2 fogs and clear signals
as well as my new bilsteins and my wheels and tires. Speaking of the S2
signals...those of you that have the S2 or RS2 bumpers with the signals in
them, do you also have signals in the ellipsoids?
If I can sort out the oil situation, then I'll be very close to being
complete. Just a little more front end assembly and the interior. Then I'll
tackle the hub conversion and accompanying suspension mods/refreshing. Then
the S2 badges will go on and all will be well!

All the best in the new year...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jimmy Pribble" <Jimmy at texasbankers.com>
To: <es2 at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 8:32 AM
Subject: RE: [Es2] test and update

> That test email disturbed the sound of chirping crickets in here.  ;-)
> Not much going on with my car quite yet.  The other day I "added more
> lightness" to the car by removing the side impact beams, door windows,
> frames, and regulators.  Wow, all that stuff was heavy.  I think I'm going
> to buy a scale and start weighing this stuff.
> Any other project updates?  Ben and Josh sometimes do their updates on AW
> S2Central.
> Also, it looks like Alexander van Gerbig is about to start his project, so
> perhaps we will hear from him as well.
> Later,
> Jimmy
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