[Es2] test and update

Dave K. desmo888 at comcast.net
Fri Jan 9 19:27:55 EST 2004

"Watching" carefully Ben.  Good to hear you are well again.
Good luck with the gremlin search.
Dave K.
'90 CQ - 3B in thousands of bits...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ben Klumper" <bklumper at mdbworld.com>
To: "Jimmy Pribble" <Jimmy at texasbankers.com>; <es2 at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Es2] test and update

> Not much to report from my end. Haven't worked on it since before the
> holidays. I'll be back at it tomorrow to try to solve the frothy oil/no
> pressure situation. Not looking forward to that.If I was sure what was
> causing it, it wouldn't be so bad. As it stands, I've got a lot of digging
> to do. Oil pan will be coming off so I can remove the stock (and now
> redundant) oil baffle and check the condition of the oil pick up and pump.
> I'll also be looking at the oil pressure sender switches and their wiring
> well as the crank case breather system. If I don't find the problem in all
> of that I'm not sure what'll come next. Perhaps (gasp) a tow to the
> shop!
> Other than that, over the holidays I received my S2 fogs and clear signals
> as well as my new bilsteins and my wheels and tires. Speaking of the S2
> signals...those of you that have the S2 or RS2 bumpers with the signals in
> them, do you also have signals in the ellipsoids?
> If I can sort out the oil situation, then I'll be very close to being
> complete. Just a little more front end assembly and the interior. Then
> tackle the hub conversion and accompanying suspension mods/refreshing.
> the S2 badges will go on and all will be well!
> All the best in the new year...
> Ben
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jimmy Pribble" <Jimmy at texasbankers.com>
> To: <es2 at audifans.com>
> Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 8:32 AM
> Subject: RE: [Es2] test and update
> > That test email disturbed the sound of chirping crickets in here.  ;-)
> >
> > Not much going on with my car quite yet.  The other day I "added more
> > lightness" to the car by removing the side impact beams, door windows,
> > frames, and regulators.  Wow, all that stuff was heavy.  I think I'm
> > to buy a scale and start weighing this stuff.
> >
> > Any other project updates?  Ben and Josh sometimes do their updates on
> or
> > S2Central.
> >
> > Also, it looks like Alexander van Gerbig is about to start his project,
> > perhaps we will hear from him as well.
> >
> > Later,
> >
> > Jimmy
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