[Es2] Clutch/Pressure Plate Poll

Alexander van Gerbig avangerb at zoo.uvm.edu
Mon Mar 15 12:45:50 EST 2004

    OK folks, hearing some conflicting information on clutch/pressure plate
setups.  I had the RS4 and RS2 pressure plates in stock and decided to give
them a try, unfortunately neither will do.  So back to the drawing board.

    We are talking about approx. 370bhp to start with on this motor.  So I
am wary of using a stock 7A pressure plate, but I've got a good source
saying it will be just fine.  I prefer to not have to drop the transmission
after 10k miles, longevity and streetability are tops on my list.  Now I see
a comment that 2B says 300bhp on the stock 7A setup, also someone comments
on a slipping 7A setup with an RS2 turbo setup, Brandon slipping his stock
urS4 setup.  It's got me on the look for something a bit more aggressive
than stock, 5th gear full boost won't be out of the question;)

    So maybe a poll should be done for the knowledge base:

What clutch/pp are you running or have run?
What bhp range/mods?
Any slipping? (if yes under what circumstances)
If you have gone through a setup, how many miles did you see from it?


Alexander van Gerbig


Waitsfield, VT 05673

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