[Es2] my 20vt project

Andrew.Jackson at bmo.com Andrew.Jackson at bmo.com
Wed Oct 6 10:47:30 EDT 2004

Although my memory is a little rusty on the subject, (it's been over two
years now)
I can say with certainty that in an AAN swap scenario, you do NOT want to
remove all of the wiring from the 7a harness.

Things like the Road Speed Sensor wiring, MFTS, Oil pressure sender, Oil
Temp sender (I know that I'm forgetting a few) are happily integrated in to
the wiring loom and will
need to be rewired if you remove them along with the rest of the harness.

The best advice I could give would be to remove only what is DEFINITELY
unique to the AAN motor:  The ignition and fueling wiring.
Once that's sorted out, fix what doesn't work and remove whatever else
seems to be redundant.



|         |           "mike"          |
|         |           <mike at uncutprodu|
|         |           cts.com>        |
|         |           Sent by:        |
|         |           es2-bounces at audi|
|         |           fans.com        |
|         |                           |
|         |                           |
|         |           10/06/2004 10:14|
|         |           AM              |
|         |           Please respond  |
|         |           to mike         |
|         |                           |
  |                                                                                                                             |
  |        To:      David Kase <davekase at pdqlocks.com>, "Rick Houck" <rhouck at neo.rr.com>, "" <es2 at audifans.com>                 |
  |        cc:                                                                                                                  |
  |        Subject: Re: Re: [Es2] my 20vt project                                                                               |

Any clue as to how the aan harness compares to the 3B? I'm collecting parts
& am trying to decide on aan or 3b. Any insight would help immensely.
Thanks. Mike

   -------Original Message-------
   > From: David Kase <davekase at pdqlocks.com>
   > Subject: Re: [Es2] my 20vt project
   > Sent: 06 Oct 2004 11:11:29
   >  Rick,
   >  I have not yet started my engine swap but have been gathering parts
   >  do so.  In my limited research I think that if you are using a 200TQ
   >  harness you can use the same firewall hole.  I believe some of the
   >  in the engine compartment end up being a bit too long.  You can cut
   >  down or bundle them as needed to get the right length.
   >  If you are using an S2 harness then you will likely want to cut a new
   >  hole on the driver's side just like the S2.
   >  As for rewiring, I believe you will want to remove the entire harness
   >  and replace it with the 3B harness.  I plan to mark where I removed
   >  connection and transfer that information to the new harness since
   >  of the wires will be the same.
   >  HTH (at least a little),
   >  Dave Kase
   >  Rick Houck wrote:
   >  >Jimmy,
   >  >
   >  >I have looked at your 20v turbo conversion web site and followed
   some of
   >  >your progress on your conversion.
   >  >I have been inquiring about my 20vt (3B) conversion project into a
   >  >coupe
   >  >quattro, looking for some basic advice on getting started.
   >  >
   >  >I have always done most of my own work, including engines,
   >  >brakes, body, etc. I have had 7 or 8 quattros and still have 5 or
   6.  I have
   >  >four coupe quattros,
   >  >one 20v coupe for the street, one parts car, one that I transplanted
   a 10vt
   >  >engine into for track use only, and another that I am starting on
   >  >
   >  >I'm hoping you have a word of advice for me. I am comfortable with
   >  >mechanical
   >  >issues, but when I started taking out the coupe wiring harness, the
   mess of
   >  >wires
   >  >started worrying me. On your project, how did you start the wiring?
   My old
   >  >harness has a few wires that I think will be needed, but I am
   inclined to
   >  >pull out the old one completely and then come back later to add the
   >  >needed. Did you start this way, or try to merge the two as you went
   along? I
   >  >would also like to know if you cut a new hole in the firewall or
   used the
   >  >original one. If so, where did you locate it?
   >  >
   >  >Any advice you can provide to help me get started will be greatly
   >  >appreciated. Thanks.
   >  >
   >  >Rick in Ohio
   >  >
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