[Es2] First track day for es2

Elijahallen92 at aol.com Elijahallen92 at aol.com
Mon Apr 25 09:45:05 EDT 2005

I spent the weekend at Gratton Raceway with the Coupe.  We had snow on and 
off both days and the highs were only in the low 40's. The  car ran both days 
and I had a blast. It didn't run great but it ran. I had a mis  under full 
throttle where I would get some backfiring so I just ran it at half  throttle and 
it would run ok and was still very fast. At half throttle the car  was keeping 
up with just about anything there on the straight in the  advanced/instructor 
groups (except the Noble) and in the corners it did very  well although I 
would like to get rid of the body roll a little more. I had the  whiteline rear 
bar set on soft just to learn to drive the car but I think I'll  set it on the 
hard setting and maybe add the RS2 front swaybar. Traction is also  a problem. 
Coming out of third gear turns at half throttle at 5krpms the tires  would 
just spin and I kept hitting the rev limiter. I hope by getting the car  
flattened out with the swaybars and maybe different springs it will help this.  Things 
that I need to sort out are the mis (I'm hoping just a bad coil) it  happens 
at 3/4 to full throttle and feels like the car looses a cylinder and  does a 
fast flutter sound and backfires every few seconds , an idle problem  where the 
idle won't settle and will stall on occasion, also if I rev it to say  3K it 
will just stay there and then slowly goes down. Any help on these issues  is 
greatly appreciated. 


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