[Es2] Re: Scammer alert!

Peter Schulz pcschulz at comcast.net
Fri Dec 16 18:24:32 EST 2005


I did speak to him in person and he sounded like a young guy,,,,

Too bad it looks like his parents are going to find out what he has been up 


At 04:52 PM 12/16/2005, Steve Eiche wrote:
>Well, I do know he has already gotten at least one check from a local CO 
>Audi owner, who got nothing to show for it.   I emailed about the complete 
>engine, and as soon as I mentioned I would come down to pick it up cash in 
>hand he stopped communicating, which sounds the same as what I have heard 
>from others locally.
>Yes, I do believe that this guy will be visited at that address, perhaps 
>by people wearing blue uniforms...

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