[Es2] V8 torsen rear diff on coupe S2

Mark Wetzel mark.wetzel at verizon.net
Mon Jun 20 23:25:08 EDT 2005

Sounds very interesting and a neato upgrade. Any thoughts on doing this to an 013 diff? I currently have that in my Coupe, although I am most likely going to put the A/S LS unit back in(trans too).

On a separate note, anyone have experience with putting an 013 in a Coupe? Everything sort of works, but the axles are actually too long I found out. Anyone else run into this?


>From: Elijahallen92 at aol.com
>Date: Mon Jun 20 19:14:16 CDT 2005
>To: es2 at audifans.com, billzcat1 at hotmail.com, contact at euro-audi-parts.com
>Subject: [Es2] V8 torsen rear diff on coupe S2

>Ok guys, this seems like a very good upgrade for our cars, especially the  
>ones making big power because of wheel spin coming out of corners. This was  
>posted on the S2 forum and the directions look pretty straight forward. I would  
>like to do this but don't have time and or the right equipment/knowledge to 
>feel  comfortable doing it. Anyone out the want to whip up a batch of these? 
>There  have been so many custom group buys lately I thought maybe someone would 
>like to  do this one.
>Here's a small how-to on swapping the open S2 diff for a V8 torsen  one.
>I'll start this at the point where you have both diffs in front of  you on 
>the bench.
>- Drain all the oil from both diff's
>- Remove both  the driveshaft flanges from both diff's
>- Remove the casing-cover that sits  behind the driveshaft flange, on both 
>diff's. That casing is bolted to the diff  housing itself with 9 bolts.
>- Remove both diffs out of it's housing
>-  Then remove the O-ring seal at the far end of the diff housing from both 
>the V8  diff and S2 diff. 
>The reason for that; is that one of the two driveshaft  flanges from the S2 
>is different then from the V8. The V8 driveshaft flange has  a thicker diameter 
>at the point where it seals with the O-ring. We need the V8  driveshaft 
>flange eventually on the S2 diff housing.
>These O-rings are metal,  and are pressed in the diff housing. They can be 
>removed by driving them out  with a pendriver and a hamer from the inside out.
>Ofcourse it will be better  to replace the V8 O-ring with a new O-ring. Just 
>make sure its not damaged if  you use it or dried out.
>- Press the V8 O-ring in the S2 diff housing. You  will notice that the 
>inside diameter from the V8 O-ring is bigger then the S2  O-ring.
>- Passing on to the diffs itself. 
>- Remove the crown wheels  from both diff's (bolted with 10 bolts). And swap 
>them around. So S2 crown wheel  onto the V8 Torsen Diff. Retighten the bolts 
>at xx NM (will need to check what  NM's I tightened the bolts)
>- Drop the V8 Torsen diff in its new S2  housing
>- Make sure all bearings are clean. Apply some liquid gasket on the  surface 
>where the casing-cover meets the diff casing. Then put the casing-cover  to 
>close the diff again. 
>- Retighten the 9 bolts
>- Mount the V8  driveshaft flange on the side were you swapped the O-ring
>And on the other  side IIRC the S2 driveshaft can be fitted.
>- retighten the bolts from both  shaft flanges
>- Check if there's any play on the diff bearings and that it  turns easily
>- Fill the diff with some fresh oil. And check for leaks.
>-  Get it back under the car asap!! And while you're at it, throw in a 
>powerflex  diff rubber aswell.
>Enjoy some sideways actions!!
>I'm not  responsible if there's a failure because someone used this method to 
>swap his  diff. If you do this swap, use your common sence and check every 
>step for  yourself.
>Cheers  guys!
>Es2 mailing list
>Es2 at audifans.com

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