[Es2] The last word

Peter Schulz pcschulz at comcast.net
Thu Mar 9 09:50:12 EST 2006


Oh, sorry, wrong email list, err forum

but despite my experience, and another lister/lurker who can speak up 
if they want (drove a complete ABY home from Canada in the back of a 
pickup, you COULD potentially run into a Customs/DOT issue...so 
caveat emptor...

At 08:47 AM 3/9/2006, Brandon Hull wrote:
>Excuse me Peter but don't you know the fact that you have concrete first
>hand experience on this topic disqualifies you from contributing to the
>thread? :-)
> >
> > Depending whether you bring in a 3b ( you can say its a 3b from a
> > 1991 200 20v... pretty easy when it has the 02 sensor and cat
> > attached ;-)) or the ABY ( thats an US S4/S6 engine) ...
>Es2 mailing list
>Es2 at audifans.com

-Peter Schulz
Chelmsford Ma, USA

1991 200 20v Q Avant Titan Grey
1991 200 20v Q Avant Indigo Mica
1991 90 20v Q Red
1990 CQ silver (awaiting S2 engine transplant)
1990 CQ red ( to part or not)

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