[Marketplace] Parts: 7A stuff

Derrik marketbot at audifans.com
Sun Nov 23 11:49:25 PST 2008

Section:  Parts
Title:    7A stuff
Price:    69.00
Location: Bloomington, MN

Date:     November 01, 2007
Contact:  Derrik
Email:    eloc.kirred at gmail.com
Phone:    6125587576


2-7A heads $350 w/cams, $250 w/o. 2 sets of cams, will not sell separate $200/set. 2-Bag-O-snakes, have heat shields, but both the down pipes were cut, still have though $150/ea obo. Several valve covers $80/ea.  Intake manifolds w/throttle body $100/ea, w/o $60.  Throttle bodies, $65/ea.  Buyer pays shipping, postal money orders or paypal only.  ships from 55431. thanks for looking.


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