[Marketplace] Wanted: MFTS - Type 44, 3B 20v

Chris Hemberger marketbot at audifans.com
Wed Jun 10 11:11:53 PDT 2009

Section:  Wanted
Title:    MFTS - Type 44, 3B 20v
Price:    0.00
Location: Hebron, CT

Date:     December 06, 2008
Contact:  Chris Hemberger
Email:    cehemberger at sbcglobal.net
Phone:    860-416-9348


Looking for a known working MFTS (multifunction temp. sensor) for my 200q-20v. I have an erratically operating dash temp gauge and seems this is often the culprit. Willing to even 'borrow' one if possible to diagnose.  Thanks.


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