[Marketplace] Cars: 80/90 B3 manual roof crank

Stephen Yoda marketbot at audifans.com
Wed Aug 7 21:49:22 PDT 2013

Section:  Cars
Title:    80/90 B3 manual roof crank
Price:    80.00
Location: Killeen, Texas

Date:     December 08, 2012
Contact:  Stephen Yoda
Email:    kuma85 at gmail.com
Phone:    6783570676


Like the title says. I picked this up from DE80q recently and tested it in my CQ.. FAIL

i should have known better. the 80 and 90 are COMPLETELY different from the CQ.

i paid 100$ shipped. 

for you ill let it go for 80$ shipped

crank, panel with light are a light tan color. 

ready to go in a box ASAP. 

Paypal add 4% for fees. Thanks.

First come first serve. 


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