Central locking woes on '93 90 - vacuum pump info needed

mathieu.dutrisac at marconi.com mathieu.dutrisac at marconi.com
Mon Aug 21 11:30:55 EDT 2000

Hi guys,

Worked on my power lock problem this weekend. As a quick reminder, the
centralized door LOCK feature do not work from both doors BUT the unlock feature
works fine.

I went into the trunk to take a look at the vacuum pump and to clean the
connections. The car is a '93, the connections were all *very* clean. When I
unlock, the pump does "whiiiiiizzzzzzzz-clunk". When I lock it only does the
"Clunk" sound. I haven't checked with a multimeter but it seems like the pump is
getting the signal from the door lock to do its thing. Does this sound like a
bad pump to you?

The bentley is still not available for this model (due next month) so I have no
idea how to interpret the 10 pins connector that goes in the pump and test it.

I'm now stuck in the debugging process, and I don't want to get a new pump
(250$US at dealer) if not needed. Is the pump in my roommate '90 CQ compatible?
Is it the same unit (family album anyone?). Any known bench test?


Mathieu Dutrisac
'93 90q
Montreal, Quebec

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