[200q20v] sticking caliper

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Mon Aug 21 11:45:12 EDT 2000

>Message: 22
>Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 06:42:04 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Kris Hansen <radonut at yahoo.com>
>Subject: Re: [200q20v] sticking caliper
>To: Kneale Brownson <knotnook at traverse.com>,
>Brett Dikeman <quattro at pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net>,
>Bernie Benz <b.m.benz at prodigy.net>
>Cc: 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at 200q20v.com>, quattro at audifans.com
>Ahhh!! I knew that there was a prober tool!!!

Ahhhh! And only six screens-worth of quoted verbiage accompanied that gem!
Please folks, can we put some effort into editing out unnecessary quotes
and also, while we're at it, turn off the MIME crap! Thank you.

*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
*        mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net       *


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