Water pump replacement

isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk
Mon Aug 21 10:25:33 EDT 2000

One of our members recently took his car to a specialist dealer and
asked for the timing belt and water pump to be changed.

He was advised that it wasn't necessary for the water pump to be done
at the same time, and that this particular (specialist, remember)
dealer never did it.

He acceded, and allowed the work to be done without the pump being

Within two weeks, he had a serious water leak from the front of the
engine that proved to come from the pump.  He took the car back and
was told, among other things, that the water pump hadn't been disturbed
during the timing belt change.  He was charged another three hours
labour to change the pump.

He's not very happy.  Has anyone else heard of this kind of thing?

An exchange water pump costs about GBP21 here - $30 plus VAT.  IMO it
has to come off to clean the mating surfaces prior to adjusting
the belt - you need a new O-ring anyway, so what's the point in
refitting the old one?  The dealer is saying that the pump wasn't
disturbed - surely this also means the belt wasn't adjusted after

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi quattro Owners Club
 Phone: 07785 302803   Fax: 07785 309674

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