Bad day with Audi gods need ign coil specs

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at
Mon Aug 21 13:15:05 EDT 2000

> I think that you should take a look at the crank sensors, on my car they
> gave the exact same problem. As I have understood it a hall sensor that
> fails while hot will not kill the car while running, same goes for one of
> the crank sensors, both?

If we're talking about an I-5 any one of the three sensors will kill the
engine if it fails hard.  The "speed" sensor that sneses the teeth on the
flywheel is an absolute must on any engine that uses this "motronic" style
system.  There is a bit of redundency between the hall sensor on the
distributor and the reference sensor on the flywheel, some cars with an even
number of cylinders can run when the reference sensor has failed.  On an I-5
the points in the cycle where the plugs are fired on even vs odd cycles are
different, so the engine is not allowed to run if the ECU does not know
which cycle its on.  If the failure is intermittent the engine will probably
still run, but a hard failure will shut you down.  

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

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