timing belts and VW/Audi similarity

Luke Rickert rickert at engr.orst.edu
Mon Aug 21 14:35:46 EDT 2000

I have a couple of questions about timing belt replacement:

-As soon as the special tools arrive (Thursday UPS willing)  I am going
replacing the timing belt on my '87 4kcsq.  I had planned on leaving the
water pump in and just loosening it to slack the belt, am I asking for
trouble?  Some of the resent postings make me nervous.

-If I do decide to remove the water pump, does anyone know if I can tell the
VW dealer here in town that I want the water pump (or maybe just the "o"
ring) for an '87 5 cylinder Quantum and get the correct part?  I have heard
that they are very similar, but are the engines mechanically identical?   I
would rather work with an Audi dealer, but there aren't any around and I
would like to have the dealer option if I can't get it elsewhere.  Also if
the VW dealer orders the Audi part they charge a 10% fee which is silly to
pay if I can get the same part with a VW number on it.



'87 4kcsq
Corvallis Oregon

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