turbo motor in an 86 4kq

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 22 00:23:36 EDT 2000

 But everyone is forgetting that the 86 MC is not the
optimal engine.  Sure, Its better than a KH which is
better than an ur-q which is better than early Non IC
Turbo.  But the MC-2 is better still, and the 3B
better yet (although in a different league all
  Yes, its a great engine and one of the preferred
options however its not the only one lets remember.

--- JShadzi at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 8/21/00 8:01:09 PM Pacific
> Daylight Time, 
> mswanson at cisunix.unh.edu writes:
> << 
>  sure.  Any 5kt will work ok, but the nice thing
> about the 86+ 5kt's is that
>  you get the water cooled turbo.  Is the car an auto
> or manual?  If it is a
>  manual you're set since you can use the flywheel. 
> If it's an auto you'll
>  need to go get one from a yard.
>   >>
>     To add to Marc's points, the 86 and up cars use
> a more advanced CIS fuel 
> system too...
> Javad
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Todd Phenneger
    83' ur-q (awaiting a 20vt)
    84' 4ktq  fun but I'm sick of CIS.

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