like, this never happens!

frank j. bauer frankbauer at
Tue Aug 22 14:54:06 EDT 2000

At 03:12 PM 8/21/00 -0700, Buchholz, Steven wrote:
>> >Wrench in Mammoth replaced cable and disconnected the broken cruise 
>> >control linkage (rod?).  When I get my car back home, what's 
>> >involved in replacing this? Very $$$? Cheap n' easy?
>I'm pretty sure the P/N was posted in the archives as well.  

from my personal archives...


From: "Buchholz, Steven" <Steven.Buchholz at>
Subject: P/N for bushing on Cruise Control Rod
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 21:30:29 -0700

Well, I thought it was obvious on the 5k fiche, but I was wrong.  I don't
remember exactly where I saw it before, but I pored over all of the fiches
that I have, and the fiche for the V8, A8 and Coupe Quattro do give the
number as 811 907 423 ... I am pretty sure that this will work on almost any
car with cruise control, perhaps with the exception of the A4, because I
found that ALL cars used the exact same part for the cruise control actuator
(811 907 327 B).  I checked everything I had from the QTC to the A8 and all
but the A4 uses this part.  I suppose I should add the caveat that I only
checked US spec cars, but I can't see any reason it would be different
anywhere else ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

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