[200q20v] sticking caliper

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 22 17:48:02 EDT 2000

--- Eyvind Spangen <eyvind.spangen at c2i.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Aug 2000 15:48:52 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:
> I disassembled a 5k rear caliper once, and found it
> next to impossible
> to get the C-shaped ring that keeps the spring
> inside the "cylinder"
> on again after disassembling.. 

I did the first 2 by tipping one edge of the circlip
just into the bore, then prying the other side over
with a long screwdriver.  Agreed; huge PITA.  It took
30-50 attempts to get the first one, maybe 10 to get
the 2nd one.  Not too bad because it was all cleaned
and I was working inside and it was warm and dry.  The
real trick is a tapered cylinder about 2-3" long that
starts at the dia. of the circlip and ends just
(.003") under the dia. of the bore it fits into.  This
makes it a 20 second job.  A small machine shop should
be able to make one in about 10-15 minutes.  The slip
jig is great for piston rings when you assemble many
motors (or one motor many times) with the same bore.

Jim Accordino

PS- getting the circlip in is the hard part, but if 
    you just couldn't get it you wouldn't be out much 
    because they'll accept the core if it's "good" 
    assembled or not.

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